Sunday, May 31, 2009

workout log and updates

front squats


inverted body rows
(It's easier to do them on ring rather on the pullup bar)(actually everything is easier on rings ahahha)

swinging dips

3 parallel bar walks with knees up

tips for you guys(and girls),so far the BEST WAY i've found to get a flat stomach is pullup bars or parallel bars. Hanging knee raises,L sits,skinning the cat.levers are FANTASTIC AS HELL. gymnastics are really damn good.

Work has been fun.
HahAHAHAHhaha sorry i got distracted watching red flowers with my sis. They had a scene where the little boy walked through the snow naked and peed on the stairs.before they had the boy ass wiped by some lady and they use the same towel ahahahaaha.i was talking to her about the kids and what the director must have told them
'ok for this scene we need you to walk naked'
'in the snow'
'walk down this hall slowly'
'after that we need you to poop'

hahahha this is like some movie they would show at yangtze

been playing football near sher's house these 3's been ok?considering i don't exactly like playing football but it's been fun. 1st and 2nd week what really stood out was the girl with the high fbt shorts and was hella aggressive. hahah eh she's quite aggressive player leh! haha not bad. today was nice,seeing more unfamilar faces,chris also. wah daniel(?) is damn hard to block,fast kid.

i need to sleep soon? i dunno. who needs to be loved? i dunno.

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